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Friday, March 9, 2012

Info Post
Troll Joseph Kony

Apparently, the Joseph Kony situation has been a thing of history for some time now, at least in his home country Uganda. The Lord’s Resistance Army has fled the country over six years ago.
"What that video says is totally wrong, and it can cause us more problems than help us," said Dr Beatrice Mpora, director of Kairos, a community health organisation in Gulu, a town that was once the centre of the rebels' activities.

"There has not been a single soul from the LRA here since 2006. Now we have peace, people are back in their homes, they are planting their fields, they are starting their businesses. That is what people should help us with."

"Suggesting that the answer is more military action is just wrong," said Javie Ssozi, an influential Ugandan blogger.

"Have they thought of the consequences? Making Kony 'famous' could make him stronger. Arguing for more US troops could make him scared, and make him abduct more children, or go on the offensive."

Rosebell Kagumire, a Ugandan journalist specialising in peace and conflict reporting, said: "This paints a picture of Uganda six or seven years ago, that is totally not how it is today. It's highly irresponsible".
"It is totally misleading to suggest that the war is still in Uganda," said Fred Opolot, spokesman for the Ugandan government.

"I suspect that if that’s the impression they are making, they are doing it only to garner increasing financial resources for their own agenda."
The Telegraph


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