Breaking News
Monday, March 26, 2012

Info Post
Fed up with the fact that Facebook only allows positive feedback about stuff, director of the emerging-media program at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dean Terry, and his graduate student Bradley Griffith, have created a plugin, called EnemyGraph, which allows the social network's users to name their enemies, which then show up in their profiles.
"We're using 'enemy' in the same loose way that Facebook uses 'friends,'" Mr. Terry explained. "It really just means something you have an issue with."

"It's social-media blasphemy, in that we're suggesting that you share differences you have with people and share things that you don't like instead of what you do like," he told me last week. "I think social media needs some disruption. It needs its shot of Johnny Rotten."

Who was Mr. Terry so eager to diss? "One of the first things I put was the band Journey," he said of his enemy list, "just because they annoy me, and I thought it was funny." He has also enemied Deepak Chopra and the color red.
The Chronicle of Higher Education

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