Ok, this is not what it looks like. In the Philippines there's a group of Muslim separatist rebels that call themselves Moro Islamic Lib...
God's coming cancelled
Scottish band Attic Lights used an image of Jesus with the front man's face on it and the caption 'God is coming' for a poster ...
Snake head attack
A rattlesnake's head that's no longer attached to the rest of it's body and still attacks. It's just like Bruce Campbell...
Branding babies
Popular Science Magazine - Issue: Dec, 1938 [ via ]
Sometimes headlines just write themselves
Found here [ via ]
Geeky T-Shirt
MySpace Mexico HQ
Funny internet cafe's around the world
Doctor Freeman
Chances of being called a Fag by a total stranger
The dark side of the Moon
Road block
Fat guy pulls an amazing stunt
"With enough lube you can fit very big things into small holes". Watch video via
People doing various activities suddenly getting punched in the face in slo-mo. Watch video Thanks Wrk
Cheap garage
McCain's debate notes
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Bacon wrapped twinkie Stonehenge
Jellyfish to the face
Here's an instructional video that shows you what to do in case of a jellyfish attack. Courtesy of Wonderhowto.com Watch video Fake or ...
Hello Kitty tooth
This tops all the other weird Hello Kitty products . [ via ]
Getting ready in the morning
The difference between men and women. View full entry via
Adwords fail
Airplane pushing
Only in China! Passengers of a flight were asked to get out and push after their plane broke down shortly after landing. Airport staff were ...
Motivational Poster: Lawful Evil
Large Hadron Collider fact #14
Ceiling Cat is watching you
Ceiling cat , probably the most famous cat next to longcat , is watching over everything. via
Spanish Ferraris on strike
Economic crisis in Spain. Ferrari drivers take it to the streets. La protesta de los promotores españoles [ via ]
Listen to yourself
Machine gun fail
50 cal shooting gone bad. Funnier than in cartoons... Watch video Thanks Andras
Global Positioning System
Pimpin' painting
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Addicted chatter
Chuck Norris origami
Make your own. Here are the pieces and the instructions . Courtesy of DeviantArt user billybob884 [ via ]
Funny wedding cakes
When it comes to weddings, people tend to get a little overcreactive with the cakes they make. You get a cake for your birthday almost every...