embiggenate Also, view the Mashable and Technorati Chance and Community Chest cards on Bite Daily | via
Serial newsbomber of the day
His name is Paul Yarrow and he is making random appearances all over the news in Britain. He's been on BBC, Channel 4, ITV, SKY and Al J...
Some Icelandic animals
According to Hugleikur Dagsson : via
Helmet Keanu monitor companion
Print, fold, tape. Previously: Sad Keanu monitor companion FuckYeahAlbuquerque | via
Warren G. and Nate Dogg's "Regulate" synopsis on Wikipedia
Epic Wikipedia rap song synopsis is epic: On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern California) Warren G travels through his neighborhood...
It's 3 meerkats. via
WTF Amazon product of the day
It's a Parent Child Testing Product , if you couldn't figure that out already. And it's pretty cheap too: $25,035.98 for a 15-p...
Animated gif of the day: Fail running stick horse
Lara Croft street name
Lara Croft Way opens in Derby : A road named after the heroine of the Tomb Raider video games has opened in Derby. Lara Croft Way is part of...
Atypical mullet of the day: business on the top, party on the sides
Funky dancing policeman of the day: this Swedish policeman
In a dancing contest, you will very likely be outdanced by this dancing policeman: via
Helmet Keanu gif
Recursive Helmet Keanu holding itself is recursive. via
Chicken has identity issues
My Penguin Chicken : Meet Mumble - the chicken that thinks he's a penguin. Farmer Lu Xi said that he got the confused bird as a chick - ...
Evolution of Natalie Portman's hair
More celebrity hair evolutions: 12 Celebrity Hair Evolutions
They rapin' everbody out here...
Rape victim brother and Internet viral person of the moment, Antoine Dodson, speaks on the news:
Some Michael Jordan facts
From back in the day: /Trolled! via
University websites
Steve Carrell vs. Zach Galifianakis
Steve Carrell is Zach's guest on Funny or Die's Between Two Ferns and he's, talking about his upcoming movie Dinner for Schmucks...
Pertinent question of the day
Yahoo Answers troll of the day: Meat Curtains recipe
Björk talks about her TV
From the archives: Icelandic singer and deep thinker Björk tries to answer the question "fuckin' televisions, how do they work?...
Computer programming facts
View infographic Made by Online PhD Programs
Epic showdown: flame thrower vs. fire extinguisher
Music video for Dancing Pigeons's Ritalinb : via
Blame BP
Helmet Keanu photoshops: round 1
You've been warned yesterday, Keanu is back. Deal with it. See some more on Buzzfeed Add him yourself to an image of your choice
iPhone popcorn maker app
Yes, it can: via
Today, in headlines that write themselves
Comic superhero of the day: Foreskin Man
Foreskin Man to the rescue: Frustrated by societys failure to protect its most vulnerable citizens, Foreskin Man has taken up the fight aga...
Yo dawg pizza
Airplane pilot prank goes wrong, yet right
Hey look, what is that?
Oh, shi- It's a Cyclocosmia via
Cute animal video of the day #2: sleeping puppy
OMG! Jack Russell puppy, how cute is this? via
Strong North Korean web design is strong
Today, in WTF HTML coding: viewing the source of The Official Webpage of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) : via
Kid's day at the zoo ruined
4-year-old little Geoffrey here came to zoo to see cool animals, such as lions, puma, and bears, but the girls wasted all his time seeing on...
Marijuana on the streets of NYC
Picture taken in East Village, on Brooklyn and Union Square. Whose plant is this? Marijuana Found Growing Wild On East Village Sidewalk
Neverending moonwalk
Snoop Dogg is hanging with a sea lion
@ San Diego Sea World this past weekend. via
A gallery of dads catching foul balls while holding babies videos
A Deadspin original : via
Morgan Freeman loved to take a bath in a casket
From the archives: Morgan Freeman as Count Dracula on The Electric Company. via
Blending in
Public transportation in America: *Japan via
Titanic 2 trailer
Titanic 2 : Bigger, badder, cheaper. Coming in August. via
Coolest bench ever
Bender is watching you, etc. Situated in Fletcher Moss park, Manchester, UK. via
Cute animal video of the day: Carnitas the little piglet
The cuteness of Carnitas, the little Juliana mini potbelly will melt your heart. Thanks Barbarella
Oh shit, not again
70's Star Trek with kids
A couple of kids from Cape Cod make a Star Trek fan movie in 1978. 30 years later, the video was redubbed and uploaded to Youtube. via
Worst asterisk ever
Alibi prices
Seen at the bar of a burger joint. via
How much the war costs you
Dog is mowing the lawn
It's a dog. And it's mowing the lawn. via
Zebra + donkey = ?
Zenkey? Donbra? The guys from Chestatee Wildlife Preserve, where it was born, call it a 'zedonk'. It turns out, the zebra/donkey rom...
Fffffffuuuuuuu emotion chart
And how do you feel today? via
How much rappers make per appearance
The Young, Black and Fabulous has put together a top. Here is the top of that top: via
Sex facts
embiggen Made by Online Schools
Justin Bieber Segway getaway
Justin Bieber is trying to escape an crazed mob of teenage fans. His means of transportation is not of much help. via
Fanboy license plate of the day
Youtube easter egg: snake game
Youtube now offers a snake game to play while you're waiting for the video to load, or while the video is playing and you find it too bo...
Kick-ass goal celebration of the day
Only in Iceland: Halldor Orri and his fellow team mates from Stjarnan, celebrate scoring a goal from a penalty kick in a game against Fylkir...
Mom interrupts hockey fight
Hockey made less interesting by one of the players' mother. via
Train wreck of the day
Sunday night, Stavoren, Holland: a maintenance train derailed, hitting an empty diesel tanker, which it dragged about 100m through a water s...
Bad ass military water extraction
This video is taken from the back end of a chinook cargo holding helicopter. They partially submerged the back side so the soldiers could sp...
WTF of the day: Can't nobody do me like Jesus
According to redditor keepreading , this was posted in a local small town newspaper.