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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Info Post
According to Internet Evangelist Bill Keller, founder of World's Leading Internet Evangelist Claims Michael Jackson is in Hell:
I know it makes people feel better when a famous person or someone they know dies, though think that they are in Heaven. This is why I have literally given my life 24/7/365 these past 20 years for the Gospel, because the FACT is, those who die without Jesus will not be in Heaven, but in the flames of hell for all eternity. What you believe matters, and based on what he believes, Michael Jackson is not in Heaven, but in eternal torment and punishment for his sins.

I realize many people will point out all of the great humanitarian deeds Jackson did during his life, the multi millions he has given to charity and those are wonderful acts that should be commended. But we can't work or buy our way into Heaven. No amount of money or good works saves you, only faith in Christ and God's grace (Ephesians 2:8,9).

The fact is, Michael Jackson like all men is born into this life with sin in addition to those sins he has committed during his life, and it is that sin that separates him from a Holy God. The moment he died he stood before God and the number of records he sold, the number of people who saw him perform, all of his good deeds didn't mean anything. The ONLY thing that mattered was the he rejected the Jesus of the Bible by faith as his Lord and Savior.


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