Pig roast
Owned on TV compilation
Ceiling cat credit card
Flickr user Tony Webster : When I logged into online banking, it asked me if I wanted to customize my card. I did, naturally, with a lolcat....
How to wrap a cat for Christmas
Google serving cowardliness
Airplane pees in mid air
Beer solves any problem
Super Mario Jesus flipbook
They took to the streets
Mistresses of Tiger Woods March on Washington | via
The creature in the tree
Is it a bear? Is it an ape? Is it Bigfoot? What the hell is it? via
Shar Pei gets a face-lift
No more wrinkles for this one: Roland the abandoned shar pei undergoes a facelift to stop going blind from entropion : Rather than the vanit...
Cat begs to be let into house
Saudi beauty queen pageant
Moral beauty queen, that is. via
Sad cowbell girl is actually blind
How the whole of Internet got owned: Revelation: Sad Cowbell Girl Is Blind, Entire Internet Hangs Head in Shame : The viral video, featuring...
In the ghetto...
Press conference bombing
Tom Gribble of 1310AM The Ticket’s BaD Radio Show attends post-game press conferences disguised as “Scoop Callahan” — a reporter from the 19...
2010 movie trailers
The year 2010 looks pretty promising, cinematically speaking. Here are some trailers (links - fullscreen): - A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ali...
Light-writing marriage proposal
Derick asked his girlfriend Emily to marry him in a very creative manner. He spent 3 nights writing the question with a flashlight all over ...
All You Need Is Love around the world
On December 7th, 2009 at 1:30pm GMT Starbucks invited musicians from all over the world to sing together at the same time to raise awareness...
Deadlifting and passing out
The Luckiest guy in Morocco
The G-spot doesn't exist
Link xkcd
Slut spill
From The Onion: VH1 Reality Show Bus Crashes In California Causing Major Slut Spill via
Paternity fail
Lost recap
The Lost finale starts February 2. Here's absolutely everything that happened so far, in 8.40 mins: via
The perfect pareidolia
Just like the perfect woman . via
Evolution of the hipster (2000-2009)
PasteMagazine | via
Extreme bridge
It's 570m (1870ft) long, 15m high, crossing the river Vitim in Siberia, Russia, and I wouldn't drive my car over it. via
Creative ads on buildings
Anando Milk, from India, wanted to increase milk consumption among children, so the McCann Erikson Agency came up with this amazingly creati...
Boyfriend pillow
Lonely much? The Boyfriend Pillow is a soft and pleasurable body arm pillow that resembles the torso of a big strong man with a comforting ...
Prison eye tattoos
What’s changed this decade
Found here | via
Stuff we learned in 2009
From AT&T: 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time last year Here are the first 10: 1. Domestic pigs can quickly learn h...
Redditor brewtalizer fffffffuuuuuuu'd himself.
The Lost Supper
How to do heroin
Only in NYC: Heroin for dummies : The city spent $32,000 on 70,000 fliers that tell you how to shoot heroin, complete with detailed tips on ...
Nuts optical illusion
Youtube drawings
These two have found a way of turning art into art: Admir Jahic & Comenius Roethlisberger Immortalize YouTube Videos As Art via
The crasher seal
Can't even tell the difference
Found here but belongs here .
Eve gets pwnt
Loldwell | via
Cowbell enthusiast
This game clearly needs more cowbell. via
Bukkake defined
Police brutality: you're doing it wrong
Rollercoaster grandmas
This video changes everything . via
Words are unnecessary
Disney's Avatar
Warning: spoilers! via
You have been warned!
Check it out via
Attribute substitution
No U turn
Long pope is looooong
The perfect woman
Alphabetically from A. Jolie to S. Johansson combined. clicky
Dog vs. cat
Apathetic cat is apathetic. via
How to make a mask with Photoshop
Catching thieves in China
Two thieves on a motor-scooter flew by and snatched a womans purse on a street in Wenzhou, China. Surveillance video shows a man riding a bi...
Mother of the year
From Craigslist: Seduce My Son! - mw4w - 20 (SF/Bay Area) : My 20 y/o son is home from college. He's a great kid, attactive and well-lik...
Bird sticks 'em up
I don't think so either. via
Prison break fail
He got stuck. Not so great escape: Prisoner trying to flee has to be rescued after he is stuck in bars of cell : Prisoner Roberto Carrillo a...
X-mas surprise
Snowcat is loooong
Oh haaaaay
Oh nooooo... via
Dangerous kids
Prison soccer
Slippery road
What do you do when you lose control of your vehicle on an icy road? Youl bail. via
Question of the day
Abe Cage
More people looking like Nicolas Cage - Nic Cage as Everyone
The Lady Gaga - Bad Romance formula